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Перевод на английский как твое здоровье

Автор Undersizs, Март 01, 2024, 04:05

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Перевод фразы "как твое здоровье" на английский язык зависит от контекста, в котором она используется. Вот несколько возможных вариантов перевода с примерами:

How are you feeling?

<ul>Example: "Hey John, how are you feeling today? Your cough sounded pretty bad yesterday."How's your health?

<ul>Example: "I heard you were in the hospital last week. How's your health now?"How are you doing health-wise?

<ul>Example: "Given your recent surgery, how are you doing health-wise? Any improvements?"How's your wellbeing?

<ul>Example: "Hi Sarah, how's your wellbeing been lately? I hope you've been taking care of yourself."How's your physical condition?

<ul>Example: "After your accident, how's your physical condition? Any lingering pain or discomfort?"How's your overall health?

<ul>Example: "With all the stress you've been under lately, how's your overall health holding up?"How are you holding up health-wise?

<ul>Example: "Considering your busy schedule, how are you holding up health-wise? Make sure to get some rest."Выбор перевода зависит от того, какой акцент вы хотите сделать в вопросе и какой уровень формальности вы предпочитаете использовать.