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Диалог на английском привет как дела

Автор dangerous Малой, Март 01, 2024, 11:07

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dangerous Малой

Приветствие и обмен пожеланиями: простой диалог на английском. Узнай, как попросить о делах на английском: короткий диалог


Вот пример очень подробного диалога на английском языке, начинающийся с приветствия и включающий в себя обмен вопросами о делах:

Tom: Hey, Sarah! How's it going?

Sarah: Hi, Tom! I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?

Tom: I'm good too, thanks. How was your weekend?

Sarah: Oh, it was fantastic! On Saturday, I went hiking with some friends in the nearby mountains. The weather was absolutely perfect, and we had a picnic at the summit. It was so refreshing to spend time outdoors. And on Sunday, I relaxed at home and caught up on some reading. How about you? What did you do over the weekend?

Tom: Wow, your weekend sounds amazing! Mine was pretty relaxing too. I met up with my family on Saturday for a barbecue in our backyard. We grilled some burgers and hot dogs, played some games, and just enjoyed each other's company. Then on Sunday, I went for a long bike ride along the river trail. It was so peaceful.

Sarah: That sounds lovely! Family barbecues are always so much fun. And a bike ride by the river sounds like the perfect way to unwind.

Tom: Yeah, it really was. So, what's keeping you busy these days?

Sarah: Oh, you know, the usual work stuff mostly. We're gearing up for a big project deadline next month, so things have been pretty hectic at the office. But overall, I can't complain. How about you? How's work going?

Tom: Work's been busy as well. We're in the midst of launching a new product line, so there's been a lot of planning and coordination going on. But I enjoy the challenge, keeps things interesting.

Sarah: That sounds exciting! Launching a new product must be quite the undertaking. I'm sure it'll be a huge success though, considering how dedicated you are.

Tom: Thanks, Sarah! I hope so too. Anyway, it's always nice catching up with you. We should grab lunch sometime this week and chat more.

Sarah: Definitely! Let's plan for Thursday. I'll shoot you a message to confirm the details.

Tom: Sounds like a plan. Looking forward to it! Take care, Sarah.

Sarah: You too, Tom. Have a great day!

Этот диалог демонстрирует обмен приветствиями, расспросами о выходных и делах, а также договоренность о встрече в будущем.