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Как заменить i think на английском

Автор Izzyhellsize, Фев. 29, 2024, 06:01

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Как выразить свое мнение по-английски: замена i think. Простые способы заменить i think в разговорной речи на английском


Замена выражения "I think" в английском языке может зависеть от контекста и точности передаваемой мысли. Вот несколько вариантов замены в зависимости от ситуации:

С точки зрения моего мнения:

<ul>"In my opinion,""From my perspective,""As far as I'm concerned,""To my mind,"Пример: "I think chocolate ice cream is the best." → "In my opinion, chocolate ice cream is the best."

Я считаю, что:

<ul>"I believe that,""I reckon that,""It seems to me that,""It appears that,""I'm of the view that,"Пример: "I think we should leave early." → "I believe that we should leave early."


<ul>"To my understanding,""From my understanding,""From what I understand,""As I understand it,"Пример: "I think the meeting is at 2 PM." → "From what I understand, the meeting is at 2 PM."

Я полагаю, что:

<ul>"I suppose that,""I guess that,""I imagine that,""I assume that,""I presume that,"Пример: "I think he'll come later." → "I suppose that he'll come later."

Мне кажется, что:

<ul>"It strikes me that,""It occurs to me that,""It appears to me that,""It seems to me that,"Пример: "I think she's upset." → "It seems to me that she's upset."

На мой взгляд:

<ul>"From my point of view,""In my view,""According to my perspective,""In my estimation,"Пример: "I think the new policy is flawed." → "From my point of view, the new policy is flawed."

Выбор конкретного выражения зависит от контекста и степени уверенности говорящего в своем мнении. Кроме того, некоторые выражения могут более или менее формальными в зависимости от ситуации.