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Как сказать на английском мне 11 лет

Автор Kalgan, Март 01, 2024, 01:26

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Как сказать мне 11 лет на английском? Выражаем возраст: слова для того, чтобы сказать, что вам 11 лет на английском


"Hi there! If you're asking me how to say 'I am 11 years old' in English, here's the detailed way to express it: 'I am currently eleven years of age.' This sentence conveys your age in a formal and precise manner. You can also say, 'I am eleven years old,' which is a more commonly used and straightforward way to express your age. Additionally, you could say, 'At present, I have reached the age of eleven.' This phrasing adds a bit of formality and emphasizes the current state of your age. Another option is, 'I have just turned eleven,' which indicates that you recently celebrated your eleventh birthday. Similarly, you could say, 'I am in my eleventh year,' which refers to the fact that you are currently experiencing your eleventh year of life. So, there are several ways to articulate your age in English, depending on the context and level of formality you wish to convey."

Надеюсь, это поможет вам выразить свой возраст на английском языке!