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Как читать температуру на английском

Автор divnyy, Фев. 29, 2024, 12:38

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Как узнать температуру на английском: простые фразы для ежедневного общения. Секреты обсуждения погоды на английском: полезные выражения и термины


Чтобы выразить или спросить о температуре на английском языке, важно знать несколько основных концепций и фраз. Во-первых, температура может быть измерена в разных шкалах: Цельсия (Celsius), Фаренгейта (Fahrenheit) или Кельвинах (Kelvin). Вот несколько фраз и выражений, которые могут помочь вам в общении о температуре:

Спросить о текущей температуре:

<ul>"What's the temperature today?""Could you tell me the current temperature?""Do you know how warm it is outside?"Ответить на вопрос о температуре:

<ul>"It's 25 degrees Celsius.""The temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.""We are experiencing a temperature of 298 Kelvin."Обсуждение изменения температуры:

<ul>"It's getting warmer/colder.""There's a noticeable drop/rise in temperature.""We expect a significant temperature increase in the coming days."Употребление метеорологических терминов:

<ul>"There's a heatwave in the region.""We're expecting a cold front to move in.""The weather forecast predicts a temperature drop."Использование выражений сравнения:

<ul>"Today is hotter than yesterday.""It's not as cold as it was last week.""The temperature is similar to what we had earlier this month."Пример диалога:

Person 1: "Hey, how's the weather today?"

Person 2: "It's quite pleasant. The temperature is around 22 degrees Celsius. Not too hot, not too cold. How about you?"

Person 1: "Nice! It's a bit warmer than yesterday, then. I think yesterday it was around 18 degrees. I'm enjoying this mild weather."

Person 2: "Absolutely, I prefer it when it's not too extreme. By the way, have you checked the forecast for the weekend? I heard there might be a temperature drop."

Person 1: "Oh, really? I haven't checked yet. I hope it won't get too cold. I was planning to go for a hike."

Person 2: "I think it should still be okay, but it's always good to be prepared. You might want to bring a light jacket just in case."