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Спасибо как у вас дела на английском

Автор Undersizs, Март 09, 2024, 02:07

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Как отвечать на вопрос как у вас дела? на английском с благодарностью. Примеры ответов на вопрос how are you? с использованием слова спасибо


"Thank you for asking! I appreciate your concern. Let me give you a detailed update on how things are going for me.

Overall, things are going quite well. Professionally, I've been busy with several projects at work. We recently wrapped up a major client presentation, which was a success, and now we're gearing up for the next phase of development. It's been challenging, but also very rewarding to see our hard work pay off.

On the personal front, life has been busy but fulfilling. I've been trying to maintain a good work-life balance, spending quality time with family and friends whenever I can. We've had some fun gatherings and outings, which have been a great way to recharge and unwind after busy workdays.

Health-wise, I've been making an effort to stay active and eat well. Regular exercise and a balanced diet have been key in helping me stay energized and focused. I've also been trying to prioritize self-care, whether it's through meditation, reading, or just taking time to relax and rejuvenate.

Of course, there are always ups and downs, but overall, I feel grateful for where I am right now. I'm surrounded by supportive people, engaging work, and opportunities for growth. So, all in all, things are going pretty smoothly.

Once again, thank you for asking. It means a lot to know that you care. How about you? How are things on your end?"

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