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Как пишется лицо на английском

Автор Aredel, Фев. 29, 2024, 06:45

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Как описать лицо на английском языке: простой гид для начинающих. Шаг за шагом: примеры описания лица на английском для легкого понимания


"Writing a face" на английском означает описывать внешность человека. Вот подробный пример описания лица на английском языке:

The face before me bore the marks of time and experience, each line telling a story of its own. The eyes, a deep shade of hazel, held a wisdom that seemed to transcend years. They were framed by dark, arched eyebrows that furrowed slightly in concentration. Long lashes brushed against the skin below, adding a softness to the intensity within.

Above the eyes, a broad forehead sloped gently back, indicating a mind accustomed to contemplation. Wisps of silver threaded through the dark hair, hinting at the passage of time yet adding a distinguished air to the visage.

The nose, strong and straight, served as a central focal point, leading the gaze downward to the full lips below. They curved upwards in a faint smile, revealing laughter lines etched at the corners. A dimple appeared briefly on one cheek as the smile deepened, adding a youthful charm to the otherwise mature features.

Cheeks, tinged with a natural flush, rounded out the face, lending it a warmth that was mirrored in the gentle curve of the jawline. The skin, weathered by years spent under the sun, bore the faintest traces of freckles, a testament to a life lived fully.

Overall, the face exuded a quiet strength and resilience, tempered by a kindness that shone through in the gentle crinkles around the eyes. It was a face marked by the passage of time, yet imbued with a timeless grace that spoke of a life well-lived.

Это лишь один из множества способов описания лица на английском языке, который может варьироваться в зависимости от стиля письма, наблюдаемой личности и контекста описания.