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Как на английском будет счет в ресторане

Автор Begn, Март 01, 2024, 12:48

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Understanding your restaurant bill: a simple guide. Deciphering your restaurant check: easy tips


Вот пример сценария оплаты счета в ресторане на английском языке:

Приветствие и заявка на заказ:

<ul>Waiter: Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. Have you decided what you would like to order tonight?Customer: Yes, we're ready to order. We'll start with the Caesar salad and the shrimp cocktail as appetizers, then I'll have the grilled salmon, and my wife will have the filet mignon. And can we also get a bottle of your house white wine, please?Waiter: Certainly, I'll get that started for you.Доставка блюд:

<ul>Waiter brings out the appetizers and wine, then returns later with the main courses.Waiter: Here are your appetizers, enjoy. And here are your main courses, the grilled salmon and the filet mignon. Is there anything else I can get for you?Удовлетворение клиентов:

<ul>Customer: Everything looks delicious, thank you.Waiter: You're welcome, enjoy your meal. Just let me know if you need anything else.Заканчиваем ужин:

<ul>After finishing the mealWaiter: Are you finished with your meal?Customer: Yes, everything was excellent, thank you.Waiter: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Can I interest you in dessert or perhaps some coffee?Customer: No, thank you. Just the check, please.Получение счета:

<ul>Waiter brings the billWaiter: Here's your bill. Take your time, there's no rush.Customer: Thank you.Оплата:

<ul>Customer reviews the billCustomer: Everything looks correct. Here's my credit card.Waiter takes the credit card and processes the paymentWaiter: Thank you. I'll be right back with your receipt.Waiter returns with the receipt for the customer to signWaiter: Here's your receipt. Have a wonderful evening!Customer: Thank you, you too.Покидаем ресторан:

<ul>Customer and their party leave the restaurantЭто общий сценарий, который может немного различаться в зависимости от конкретного ресторана и страны.
