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Как ответить на английском все хорошо

Автор Kalgan, Март 01, 2024, 11:23

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Положительный ответ: как сказать все хорошо на английском и поделиться положительными моментами. Примеры ответов: как описать хорошее настроение и поделиться позитивными событиями на английском языке


Вариант ответа:

"Hi there! I'm doing really well, thank you for asking. My day started off on a positive note – I had a good night's sleep, woke up feeling refreshed, and had a delicious breakfast. At work, things have been going smoothly; I managed to complete a few tasks ahead of schedule, which always gives me a sense of accomplishment.

During my lunch break, I had a chance to catch up with some colleagues, and we had a few laughs, which added a nice touch to the day. The weather has been fantastic, and I even took a short walk outside to enjoy the sunshine.

In the evening, I plan to unwind by reading a book I've been meaning to get into, and maybe later I'll catch up on a favorite TV show. Overall, it's been a great day, and I'm feeling positive and energized. How about you? How's your day going?"

Этот ответ детально описывает положительные аспекты вашего дня, демонстрирует ваше хорошее настроение и также включает вопрос в конце, чтобы продемонстрировать интерес к собеседнику.