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Как пишется санта клаус на английском

Автор Nikoloza, Март 01, 2024, 09:11

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Как написать письмо санта клаусу: простые шаги. Пример письма от санта клауса на английском с пояснениями


North Pole Headquarters

Santa Claus

123 Christmas Lane

North Pole, NP 00001


Dear [Имя Ребенка],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits! I have been very busy preparing for Christmas and making sure everything is just perfect for you and all the children around the world.

I must say, I've been keeping a close eye on you this year, and I am delighted to see that you have been such a kind and helpful [boy/girl]. Your acts of kindness and the love you share with those around you truly make the world a brighter place.

I've heard that you have been working hard at school and have been very helpful at home. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed! Your parents and teachers are very proud of you, and so am I!

Now, I know you've been eagerly anticipating Christmas, and I want you to know that I've been paying attention to your wishes. I have received your letter and have taken note of everything you've asked for. While I can't promise that you'll receive every single thing you've wished for (after all, I have to make sure all the children receive gifts), I will do my best to bring you something special that will bring a big smile to your face on Christmas morning.

Remember, Christmas is not just about receiving gifts, but also about giving, sharing, and spending time with loved ones. So, make sure to spread joy and cheer wherever you go!

I will be flying over your house on Christmas Eve, so be sure to leave out some cookies and milk for me and some carrots for my reindeer. And don't forget to hang up your stockings!

Until then, keep being the wonderful [boy/girl] that you are, and know that you are always in my thoughts.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With love and holiday magic,

Santa Claus

Это только один из вариантов. Письма от Санта Клауса могут быть адаптированы под конкретного ребенка и содержать различные элементы в зависимости от предпочтений родителей и традиций семьи.