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Автор Kalgan, Март 03, 2024, 06:25

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How to write running in english. Writing running in english: simple language tips


Running is a form of physical activity where one moves at a rapid pace by propelling themselves forward with their legs in a coordinated motion. The act of running involves a series of complex movements that engage various muscles in the body, making it an excellent cardiovascular exercise.

To begin, the runner stands upright with their feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining a straight posture with their shoulders relaxed. As they start to run, the runner pushes off the ground with one foot while simultaneously swinging the opposite arm forward. This motion generates momentum, propelling the body forward.

During the running stride, the arms play a crucial role in maintaining balance and rhythm. They swing naturally in coordination with the legs, with the elbows bent at approximately 90 degrees. The hands lightly clench into fists, but remain relaxed to allow for fluid movement.

As the feet make contact with the ground, the body absorbs the impact through a combination of muscles and joints, including the ankles, knees, and hips. Proper running form involves landing on the midfoot or forefoot rather than the heel, which helps reduce the risk of injury and improves efficiency.

Breathing is another important aspect of running. Most runners adopt a rhythmic breathing pattern, inhaling and exhaling in sync with their strides. This helps oxygenate the muscles and maintain a steady pace throughout the run.

Throughout the run, the runner maintains a forward gaze, focusing on a point in the distance to stay oriented and avoid tripping or stumbling. The stride length and frequency may vary depending on factors such as speed, terrain, and individual preferences.

Overall, running is not just a physical exercise but also a mental one, requiring focus, determination, and endurance. Whether it's a leisurely jog around the neighborhood or a competitive race, the act of running provides numerous physical and mental benefits, making it a popular activity for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Now, here's the same description translated into English:

Running is a physical activity that involves moving quickly by repeatedly lifting and lowering each foot (or each pair of feet when a person has more than two feet). When people run, they move their legs more quickly than when they walk.

When someone runs, they usually breathe quickly and deeply. Their heart rate also increases. People often run for exercise or for fun. Some people run in races.

There are many different ways to run. People can run slowly or quickly, and they can run for long or short distances. Some people run on roads or sidewalks, and some people run on tracks. Other people run on trails in parks or in the woods.

Running is good for your health. It can help you stay in shape and feel good. It can also be a good way to spend time with friends or family.