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Как описывать графики на английском егэ

Автор Лена, Март 04, 2024, 12:06

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Простой гид: как описывать графики на английском егэ. Изучаем технику описания графиков для экзамена егэ на английском


Описание графиков на английском языке в экзамене ЕГЭ (или любом другом подобном экзамене) требует четкости, точности и грамматической правильности. Вот подробный пример описания графика:

Инструкция: Вы увидите график, представляющий собой данные о численности населения в различных возрастных группах в течение определенного временного периода. Напишите описание этого графика, включая основные тренды, высокие и низкие точки, а также любые значимые изменения.


The graph illustrates changes in population distribution across various age groups from 1980 to 2020. The data is presented in five-year intervals.

At the outset in 1980, the population pyramid depicts a relatively broad base, indicative of a high birth rate. The largest cohort falls within the age range of 0-4 years, comprising approximately 25% of the population. This is followed by a gradual tapering off in the subsequent age groups, with a noticeable decline in proportions as age advances.

Moving forward to 1995, there is a discernible shift in the structure. The base of the pyramid begins to narrow, suggesting a reduction in birth rates or fertility rates. However, the population remains relatively youthful, with a sizable proportion still falling within the younger age brackets. Notably, the working-age population, between 15 to 64 years, shows a steady increase, indicating potential demographic changes in the labor force.

By 2010, the demographic landscape exhibits a more pronounced alteration. The pyramid has transformed into a more columnar shape, indicating a more uniform distribution across age groups. The birth rate appears to have stabilized, resulting in a narrower base, while the middle-aged population (between 35 to 54 years) shows a slight expansion, likely due to improved healthcare and increased life expectancy.

Finally, in 2020, the population distribution portrays a notable aging trend. The base of the pyramid has significantly contracted, while the upper age groups, particularly those above 65 years, have expanded considerably. This demographic shift suggests a declining birth rate coupled with increased longevity, indicative of an aging population.

In conclusion, the graph demonstrates a transition from a youthful population structure to an aging one over the four-decade period. This transformation has implications for various sectors such as healthcare, social welfare, and the economy, emphasizing the need for proactive policies to address the challenges posed by an aging population.

Этот пример демонстрирует, как описать график с использованием академической лексики, временных выражений и грамматической точности, что является важным при подготовке к экзамену ЕГЭ на английском языке.