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Песенка на английском как тебя зовут слушать

Автор Bystryy, Март 01, 2024, 08:00

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Как попросить имя в песне: простой английский текст. Веселая песенка о знакомстве: как тебя зовут


(Куплет 1)
In the morning light, or in the dark of night,
I see you passing by, a stranger in my sight.
I wonder who you are, with a curious heart,
I gather up my courage, it's time for a start.

Hey there, stranger, with a smile so bright,
Can I ask you something under this starry light?
What's your name, tell me, don't be shy,
I'm reaching out to you, let our stories fly.

(Куплет 2)
You might be a mystery, a book I've yet to read,
Or a chapter in my life, fulfilling every need.
I'll hold my breath and wait, for the words you share,
In this dance of introductions, let's make a pair.

Hey there, stranger, with a smile so bright,
Can I ask you something under this starry light?
What's your name, tell me, don't be shy,
I'm reaching out to you, let our stories fly.

Names are like magic, they open up the door,
To the tales we carry, to the dreams we store.
So, won't you share with me, your piece of the sky?
In this moment together, let's learn to fly.

Hey there, stranger, with a smile so bright,
Can I ask you something under this starry light?
What's your name, tell me, don't be shy,
I'm reaching out to you, let our stories fly.

Это простой пример, и вы можете адаптировать его под свой вкус и стиль. Помните, что музыка — это форма искусства, где вы можете выразить свои чувства и мысли.